
Training Location:HomeTraining

Competition among enterprises is essentially a talent competition. Excellent talent is the lifeblood of enterprise development. Since the beginning of creation that is sure to people-oriented business philosophy, in the fierce competition in the information industry, adhere to grasp the essence of the knowledge economy, talent strategy. The establishment of a dedicated, unity, cooperation, innovative, a sense of crisis, high-quality staff, to provide customers with thoughtful, first-class products in the industry establish a good brand image.

Strategic thinking: grasp the essence of the knowledge economy, talent resources, intellectual capital

1. the establishment of united, stable, high-caliber leading cadres to ensure the company's management philosophy, corporate culture and philosophy of science, harmonious and efficient.

2. the construction of high-level, high-level professional and technical personnel, strengthen research and development efforts to ensure that our products maintain a leading edge in technology.

3. the establishment of effective marketing personnel, to increase the market share of our products.

4. the establishment of efficient management personnel to ensure the efficient implementation of business strategy and creative improvement.

Strategy Implementation Programme

1. attention to personnel training inside the company, the company's internal staff training to improve job skills, identity corporate culture, creating the necessary means to meet the high quality requirements of our employees through training discover talent within the company, personnel training, most optimize the use of personnel, the company's success combined with personal growth, the real realization of "interaction" between enterprises and employees.

2. for high-level talents to actively introduce, good or bad use of intellectual capital is the key to victory. Increase investment in highly skilled professionals, but also to maintain the intellectual capital of enterprise management, technology, marketing, and other important aspects of innovation essential inputs

3.the establishment of appropriate utilization of human resources internet.

Within the company adhere to the people-oriented management philosophy, pay attention to the establishment of talent management system, incentive mechanism, the distribution system within the company to create a suitable working environment for talented people to play, to give them room to grow. Create conditions to find talent, nurture talent, to attract and retain qualified personnel. So that people can truly become the main force of the company's development.

ADD.:Hongqiao Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Industrial Zone B are blocks of four
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